Nicolás Georger
Self-taught IT professional driving innovation & social impact with cybernetics, open source (Linux, Kubernetes), AI & ML. Building a thriving SRE/DevOps community at I specialize in simplifying solutions through cloud native technologies and DevOps practices.
Analisamos as ideias de Viktor Farcic sobre o mundo do Open Source, frequentemente mal compreendido, desafiando a noção romântica do altruísmo puro. Ele explora as realidades econômicas por trás dos projetos Open Source, destacando como empresas e indivíduos os utilizam para benefício próprio. A conversa se aprofunda nas motivações por
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"Si estás utilizando software Open Source para construir tu negocio, considera retribuir a la comunidad. Contribuye con código, patrocina proyectos o simplemente ofrece tu experiencia. Esta relación simbiótica es lo que sustenta el ecosistema Open Source."
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We reviewed Viktor Farcic' thoughts regarding the often-misunderstood world of open source, challenging the romantic notion of pure altruism. He explore the economic realities behind open source projects, highlighting how companies and individuals alike leverage it for personal gain. The conversation dives into the motivations behind starting and contributing
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Linux Foundation ha unido fuerzas con la Open Model Initiative (OMI) para impulsar el desarrollo de modelos de IA (Inteligencia Artificial) de código abierto. Esta colaboración busca crear un mundo donde la IA sea accesible, transparente e impulsada por la comunidad, no por las ganancias corporativas. Se están enfocando en
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The Linux Foundation has teamed up with the Open Model Initiative (OMI) to champion the development of open-source AI models. This collaboration aims to create a world where AI is accessible, transparent, and driven by the community, not corporate profits. They're focusing on building a solid foundation for
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Kubernetes v1.31 es más que solo una colección de nuevas características y mejoras; es un testimonio del compromiso del proyecto con la evolución constante, la mejora de la experiencia del usuario y la seguridad mejorada. Tanto si eres un veterano experimentado en Kubernetes como si acabas de empezar tu
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Kubernetes v1.31 is more than just a collection of new features and improvements; it's a testament to the project's commitment to constant evolution, improved user experience, and enhanced security. Whether you're a seasoned Kubernetes veteran or just starting your journey, v1.31 has
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TL;DR (Too long; Didn't Read)
Las redes en Kubernetes pueden ser tan confusas como... bueno, como el propio Kubernetes. ¿Estás hasta las pelotas u ovarios de que los problemas de Kubernetes te distraigan de tu código? Aquí te ofrecemos una guía sencilla sobre los Servicios de Kubernetes,
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Kubernetes networking can be as confusing as... well, Kubernetes itself. Are you tired of getting distracted from your coding spree by kubernetes mess-ups? Here we offer a simple guide to Kubernetes Services, focusing on the key players: Ingress, Gateway, Load Balancer, ClusterIP, and NodePort. We'll unravel
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Em resumo: Imagine um mundo onde suas plataformas de redes sociais favoritas saem do ar, os sistemas financeiros entram em colapso e até mesmo a exploração espacial é interrompida. Este cenário distópico quase se tornou realidade graças a um único access token vazado que poderia ter dado a agentes mal-intencionados
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En resumen: Imagina un mundo donde tus plataformas de redes sociales favoritas se apagan, los sistemas financieros colapsan e incluso la exploración espacial se detiene. Este escenario distópico casi se vuelve realidad gracias a un único access token filtrado que podría haber dado a los actores maliciosos las llaves del
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TL;DR: Imagine a world where your favorite social media platforms go dark, financial systems crash, and even space exploration grinds to a halt. This dystopian scenario almost became a reality thanks to a single leaked access token that could have given malicious actors the keys to the kingdom—the
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