
SRE, DevOps, Cloud Native, Linux, AI/ML, Platform Engineering, Open Source - English Version

Coder: Low cost, self hosted Cloud Development Environments

Coder: Low cost, self hosted Cloud Development Environments

Coder is an open-source platform that allows organizations to define and manage development environments within their own public or private cloud infrastructure. Think of it as a way to create standardized, reproducible, and scalable development workspaces in the cloud. Instead of developers painstakingly setting up their local machines (and inevitably

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A Candid Conversation with Linus Torvalds

A Candid Conversation with Linus Torvalds

The Evolution of the Linux Kernel and its Ecosystem In this fascinating interview from the Open Source Summit in Vienna, Austria, Swapnil Bhartiya sits down with Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, for a candid conversation about the evolution of the kernel, the open-source community, and the ever-changing tech landscape.

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DevOps Paradox: OpenTelemetry meets Mobile

DevOps Paradox: OpenTelemetry meets Mobile

OpenTelemetry is transforming the landscape of mobile app observability, providing developers with powerful tools to monitor, understand, and optimize their applications. Embrace, with its open-source SDKs and commitment to community involvement, is at the forefront of this exciting evolution. This episode of DevOps Paradox features Austin Alexander from Embrace (https:

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