
The Dark Side of Open Source: Are we all just selfish? Viktor Farcic thoughts and why he is absolutely right.
Google Cloud Enhances Databases with AI Power for the Age of Data and Intelligence


Google Cloud Enhances Databases with AI Power for the Age of Data and Intelligence

TL;DR; Google Cloud is making waves at its Cloud Next conference in Tokyo by injecting its database lineup with some serious AI muscle. Spanner, their globally distributed SQL database, now boasts graph and vector search capabilities, perfect for tapping into the power of generative AI. Bigtable, their NoSQL workhorse

Lemony solves AI privacy and compliance with on premises "LLM Boxes" and Zero Setup platform


Lemony solves AI privacy and compliance with on premises "LLM Boxes" and Zero Setup platform

Lemony presents a generative AI on premises solution designed for businesses, organizations and individuals concerned about data security, privacy, and control. Lemony offers a compelling alternative to cloud-based AI by keeping all data within an organization's network, ensuring compliance and peace of mind. We'll delve into

The Dangerous Success Theater: How Vulnerable Organizations Allow Narcissists to Thrive


The Dangerous Success Theater: How Vulnerable Organizations Allow Narcissists to Thrive

In today’s corporate landscape, a concerning phenomenon emerges: the “success theater”, a façade that conceals an organization’s underlying vulnerabilities. Amplifying this concern is how susceptible organizations become fertile ground for narcissistic leaders, setting the stage for potentially catastrophic consequences. The Success Theater: “The success theater refers to an