Nicolás Georger

Nicolás Georger

Self-taught IT professional driving innovation & social impact with cybernetics, open source (Linux, Kubernetes), AI & ML. Building a thriving SRE/DevOps community at I specialize in simplifying solutions through cloud native technologies and DevOps practices.

9 escenarios donde implementamos cultura DevOps

9 escenarios donde implementamos cultura DevOps

"El arte de DevOps" reconoce 9 escenarios en las que podemos implementar cultura DevOps: 1- Planificar 2- Codificar/Desarrollar 3- Construir (Building) 4- Probar/Testing 5- Liberar (Release) 6- Implementar 7- Operar 8- Monitorizar 9- Pipeline CI/CD The Art of DevOps — The 9 SituationsChapter 11 — Phases of

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